Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert (VVD) uit Nederhorst den Berg is gekozen tot Member of the European Parliament of the year 2010.

Het blad The European Voice organiseerde de verkiezing. In oktober riepen wij u op om op haar te stemmen. En dat heeft geholpen. Bergse Jeanine, die nu voor de VVD in de Tweede Kamer zit, heeft de verkiezing tot Member of the European Parliament of the year 2010 (MEP of the Year) gewonnen. Uiteraard zwelt ons Wijdemeerse hart van trots. Nederhorst doet mee op het Europese toneel. Jeanine, van harte gefeliciteerd.
European Voice
Op de site van de European Voice staat (inclusief de tikfout in haar achternaam):
Jeanine Hennis-Plaaschaert was voted MEP of the Year. Even though she left the European Parliament half-way through the year to join the Dutch national parliament, the impact that she had made in February was sufficient to win the award. She had led the Parliament to reject a deal struck by the European Commission and the EU's national governments with the US government enabling the transfer of information about bank transfers made by European citizens. The agreement, which was designed to counter terrorism, was eventually revised with enhanced data-protection rules.